Monday, January 15, 2018

Love Italian (Stallion) Style part 2

Part 2

The next morning found Sindy mixing batter in the back room of the little bakery. After the fiasco yesterday, she felt so clumsy and dejected. She didn't even want to show her face. At least she seemed to be able to mix batter without ruining it. She sighed. Maybe she wasn't cut out for the fashion industry. She did ok with designs and sewing, but when she got in front of famous people she turned into a Clumsy Clara. It didn't help having Dante' yell at her. Her yellow hair was pulled back in a bun and she had on a thin summery dress with an apron over it. It got hot fast in the summer and the baking ovens didn't help. She heard the little bell over the door tinkle, indicating a customer, just as a small drop of sweat trickled down between her breasts, causing her to shiver. She knew her Aunt Rosa was out front so she didn't go out. 

She realized a little while later the bell didn't ring again wondering why the customer hadn't left, when Aunt Rosa came into the back. 

She took Sindy's hand, patting it, saying, "Come, come. A nice young man wants to see you." She smiled as she led Sindy out into the store. At first she didn't notice anyone as the early morning sun cast a lot of shadows in the store. Then she saw a gentleman in jeans, cowboy hat and boots, and when he turned, he was wearing dark sunglasses. His blonde hair was everywhere, sticking out all over under the hat. He was lean of hip and broad shouldered. The minute he drew closer, she knew who it was. No woman in her right mind could ever mistake that strong chin and those pearly whites.
"Mr. Bon Jovi," she said nervously, as she was so shy, her  hands shaking as she patted some imaginary hair back into place. "What are you doing here?" Not stopping for breath, "I am so sorry again about yesterday. I am such a clutz. Dante' was right to fire me."
Jon, finally getting a word in edgewise, said, "Sindy, don't worry, it's ok. I'm not mad at you, but it will be a cold day in hell before I work with that jerk again." Sindy smiled, which Jon thought, totally lit up her face.
"Thankyou for saying so, Mr Bon Jovi," she replied. "What can I help you with? Could I interest you in a pastry?"
"I would be interested in some coffee and the pleasure of your company. I have a rented car out front and thought we could take a ride. Maybe you could show me around. Madame Rosa has graciously offered to make us a picnic basket. (He winked at Madame Rosa) and said, "I got it for a song."
Sindy looked at Aunt Rosa as she tittered like a young school girl. She said, "Sindy go freshen up while I get some food together for you," as she pushed Sindy out the door. Sindy, seeing she was outnumbered, said excuse me and went upstairs to to change. Upstairs she changed into a clean dress, brushed out her hair, pulling the sides back with some combs. Sindy found Jon still chatting with her Aunt, holding the picnic basket.
Jon loved wearing sunglasses. Nobody could see what he was thinking. Sindy was pretty with her yellow blonde hair curling down her back. Her legs, long, beyond the hem of her dress. His body started racing...his heart, his blood, thinking wickedly, some of it pooling into his loins. He held out his arm to Sindy, gave her one of his half smiles and escorted her to the little red sports car out side.
With the top down and the engine that was kinda loud, they kept the talking to just directions. Sindy's family was not as unfortunate as they seemed. They had a family estate up in the hills about an hour from the city and that is where Sindy told Jon to drive. Out in the hills was a field with some old ruins that would be perfect for their picnic. It overlooked the whole valley. There was a long road that served as a driveway, then wound past the house and ended a short distance from the ruins.

Jon parked the car and walked around to open her door. His mama didn't raise no fool, but a gentleman. She would probably punish him if he didn't display the manners she instilled in him. He helped Sindy out of the car, grabbed the basket, and together they ambled towards the ruins. She carried a blanket that her Aunt had supplied. Jon held her hand and could still feel her shake, like she was cold. He got that a lot from females that were all excited to meet him and couldn't contain themselves. He smiled. On one hand he loved it. On the other it could just get in the way, cause the women could never relax and have a good time.

1 comment:

  1. I see some relaxing in her future! How flattering to go on a private picnic with Jon.
