Monday, January 15, 2018

Love Italian (Stallion) Style part 1

Part 1


Jon, just a little to your left (click)...good. Now if you can lower your chin just a little bit," the photographer cajoled. Jon complied. Dante' , the photographer continued to direct and compliment. Jon was doing a photo shoot for Vogue magazine for their Italian issue. Jon was laying on a couch with just leather pants on and boots. Cigarette smoking swirling sensuously upward toward the ceiling. The photographer told him to look a little bit more smoldering...think sexy. It was all he could do not to roll his eyes. God, he was bored. No motivation. Then someone crossed his line of vision. The look that passed across Jon's face was like a hungry predator crossed with bad desperado.

"Jon, baby! That's it! Hold it! (click) Beautiful. Thankyou Jon. You can take a break for a second, while we get the next outfit ready."

Jon heaved a sigh of relief, peeled his bare back off the sticky leather couch and stretched. He prowled the studio, found a bottle of water, and sat down in a chair designated for him. He loved being famous, though, as the minons swarmed around him catering to his every need. Loved feeling all the women's warm looks gazing at his half naked body. Feeling the need to relieve himself he went in search of a commode. On his way out a young woman bumped into him with an arm full of clothes.

"Hey there...easy," Jon said, placing a steadying hand on her elbow. She was the one he saw earlier. The young woman looked up to she who she had bumped into, and upon recognition, she blushed prettily and said, "Oh, Mr Bon Jovi. I am ssoo sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. You're not hurt are you? Dante' would fire me if he found out I had hurt you." Her eyes darting over him to make sure she didn't leave a mark.

"No Sweetheart. You didn't hurt me," Jon said, lazily, running a finger down her cheek. "You're a pretty thing. What's your name?"

Conceited off, she thought, but warranted, as Jon Bon Jovi was the handsomest man she had ever seen. She counted herself lucky to have landed this job today.

"It's Sindy, sir," she replied, staring at his feet, unable to miss the telltale bulge in his pants, thinking they didn't have to stuff his.

"Well, Sindy, it's nice to meet you. And you can call me Jon," he said, smiling down at her, using his palm under her chin to lift her eyes to his, his mind slowly working on how to get ahold of her, gazing at the swell of her breasts peeking from the v neck of her dress.

"SINDYEEEE!!" someone called out.

"Oh, gosh. I gotta go. It was very nice to meet you Jon," she gushed, all flustered and took off.

Jon watched after her, before Dante' the photographer came up and said, "We are ready for you now." Jon followed him back to the main part of the studio. Dante' called out to wardrobe for the white fur coat and the black cowboy hat. Sindy was the one to bring the items and in her nervousness she bumped Jon's arm as he took a drink of water and a small amount dribbled down his chin and chest.

Sindy was temporarily mesmerized, watching the droplets meander down his strong chin dripping onto his chiseled chest. She was brought out of her revery by Dante' screaming at her, "You stuuuuppeeedd girl! Clumsy! You are fired! Go!"

Jon looked at the girl, hands at her mouth, tears forming. "Dante'," Jon said, "that's not necessary. No harm done." But the photographer was adamant. Jon watched as the poor girl walked out looking utterly devastated. Jon called over his assistant, "Tandy, follow her. Find out where she goes." And his assistant took off.

Jon's anger at Dante' 's callousness, now reflected in his mood, unbeknownst to Dante', who didn't care how Jon got the look only that he kept it. Jon was upset, but figured the girl would be better off someplace with him.

Later that night, Tandy knocked on Jon's hotel room door.

"Come in," he called out and Tandy let herself in. "What did you find out?' he asked.

"Turns out she lives with an old couple who runs a bakery. She lives in the apartment upstairs. I also went back to the studio and spoke with the wardrobe lady. Apparently she is a college student from the U.S. She is apprenticing sort of, working in her field of study for a semester. Dante' is just an ass and goes through assistants like water. From what I can gather the girl is better off without him," Tandy replied, sitting down on the couch, having gleaned a bottle of water from the mini fridge. She watched Jon pace, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.

"Do you know how long she has left on this semester thing? Or when she goes back to the states?" he asked.

"I don't, but the old people said she sometimes helps out in the store in the mornings," Tandy said off offhandedly.

Jon stopped and looked at Tandy and said with a smile, "I guess I will have to see what the bakery might offer for breakfast in the morning." Tandy thought this might be serious as Jon rarely got up before noon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey happy to see another short story and with one of my all time favorite photos -the couch pic!
