Thursday, May 23, 2019

Part 4 Epilogue

Sindy stood looking out the window of her New York office, over looking Time Square. She smiled. She loved the view. Jon and the Boys sometimes played in Time Square and she loved to watch. He would wave to her. It was 2 years later after that fateful day Jon had dropped her off at the bakery.
Dante's firing her had been a blessing in disguise. Sindy had gotten a job with the magazine instead of just working with the photographer. She had discovered she was outstanding in the business world. She tried all kinds of positions. Back in the states she graduated college and went to work for Vogue. Jon was going to pick her up that evening. It was going to be magical night. She still designed clothes, both for men and women, but had assistants to help.
It had been about a month ago, with the help of Jon Bon Jovi, she opened her own clothing store and.......we started our own magazine, BOUNCE. She looked over at the wall of framed magazine covers, enlarges to about two by three feet. She smiled at the beautiful dark eyes, looking seductively off the page. Yes, Jon modeled for the first cover, in her designs.
Sindy looked down at the tiny ant size people walking along the sidewalk. She saw the limo pull up and watched a blonde step out. Her heart started beating wildly. She took a quick look at herself in the mirror to make sure all looked good then sat down to wait. He never knocked. There he was, coming through the door. Sindy stood up, and came around the desk as he shut the door. His amazing smile almost blinding her, his blue eyes dark and seductive. She put her arms around his neck and said, "Hello Stranger."
Arms around my waist he said, "Hi Beautiful" and then he kissed her.

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