Monday, January 15, 2018

Love Italian (Stallion) Style Part 3

They made it to a spot close to the ruins, on a flat area. Sindy spread out the blanket over the grass. "This is beautiful up here. You can see all the patchwork colors from the farms and part of the city," Jon said, spreading his lean frame on the blanket, propping himself up by his hands. Jon watched Sindy sit with her feet folded to the side, leaning on one hand. He could see her hand tremble as she fidgeted with the hem of her dress. He sat up and crossed his legs. Thank God he had the forethought to wear comfy jeans, which were roomy where it counted most. Taking off his glasses and hat, he took her hand. He kissed her palm, looking into her eyes and said, "Sindy relax. I'm not going to bite," he said slyly, "at least not yet." Then delighted in her blushing again. He then leaned in to kiss her. He brushed his lips against hers, pulled back, then kissed again, letting the kiss linger. Tasting her. He smiled inwardly, she was still trembling. He decided he needed to maybe talk to her get her mind on other things to help her relax.
"So how did you get to be here in Italy?" Jon asked, laying down looking over at her.
She looked down at him, then put over the hillside and said, "I am going to school for fashion design, and in our last year we can go abroad and study or work in our field. Of course since Aunt Rosa lives here and my mom's family is from here, it just made sense. Besides Italy has so much history."
Jon looked at her. He saw she was looking out towards the valley, her face pensive. Jon figured she was still dwelling on what happened the other day.
"But as you can see," she said, the corner of mouth turning up, "I am a mess when it comes to famous people. Are you sure you want to be here? It may not be safe."
"I'll take my chances," Jon said as he reached over and played with the hem of her dress and gave her a small smile, not even showing his teeth. To keep from pouncing on her now, as his plan was to take it slow. God he wanted her. He said, "Let's see what your Aunt packed. I'm hungry (for her)." They fed on roast chicken, crisp apples, and fine wine.
Sindy asked, "Jon, why are you here? I mean aside from the magazine. Are you by yourself or with the band?" Jon was so handsome, she thought, maybe he would stay awhile.
"I'm here by myself. We just finished a new album and we are doing various promotions. And aside from my occasional acting, I like modeling. Dante' aside," he finished with a smile. Sindy smiled in response. "So when do you go back to the states," Jon asked.
"Soon. So I guess it was fortuitous that Dante' let me go since I would have had to quit anyway." She paused then asked Jon when he would leave.
"I am out of here in a couple of days. We have some awards shows coming up in the U.S. But enough of that," he said pulling her to him, "Come here." His voice low and seductive, as he laid down on his back with Sindy laying on top of him. God he loved women...they were all soft and curvy and they smelled good. 

With her on top he could feel everything. Her knees rested on his upper thighs. Her hipbones just above his. Her small sweet breasts pressed against his chest. The best part was the juncture of her thighs was a perfect fit to his crotch. Tho he was so hot for her and wanted to take her right now, he prided himself on his ability to make love to a woman. Slowly. Sensuously. Thoroughly.
Jon slowly ran his hands along her back, while they kissed. Sindy had her hands cupping his face directing some of the kisses. Jon touched the tip of his tongue at the crease of her lips to let her know he wanted more. Sindy responded in kind, opening her mouth to allow him access. She was drowning in his sensuallity.
Sindy was in heaven. Jon's hands were roaming her back and sides leaving warm firey trails of sensation. She hadn't been to sure how far she wanted to go with Jon, but decided come what may, she would play this out. Sindy would never get another chance to feel the love and power of Jon Bon Jovi. Sindy had dated a few times with guys closer to her own age but Jon was a God! He was certainly more experienced, being 20 years older the her. He should give lessons! Jon reached up to her hair and released it from the confines of the combs, running his fingers through its masses.
"Your hair is so silky," Jon said as he took a handful and rubbed it along his face.
"Jon." She whispered against his lips, "I bet you say that to all the girls." She smiled and kissed his neck.
He pushed her to a sitting position, then sat up himself. He kissed her neck and throat as his arms caressingly went around her, then he looked into her eyes and said, "There is no one here but you."
"MMmmm...that feels so good," Sindy moaned as he nibbled on her ear then trailed sucking kisses down her neck to her collarbone.
Suddenly she felt a breeze on my back and realized he had unzipped the back of her dress and unhooked my bra. But just as quickly his hands were gliding up her thighs bunching up my dress at her hips. "Sinful. Beautiful," Jon whispered.
Not to be left behind..."I want to feel you, too, you are so hard and strong," as she took off his shirt. Sindy ran her hands all over him, trailing her lips down his chest to his nipples, taking one in her mouth, sucking and nipping.
"Baby, let ME worship YOU," he murmured as he moved her away to gain access to her breasts. With his arms around me to keep me steady, he feasted on them, taking a nipple in his mouth. It was amazing, all warm and soft, his sucking made her clit tingle.
Jon wanted to make love to Sindy in the worst way. He was going to have to release his cock soon. He was running out of room in his jeans. Jon laved first one nipple then the other. He lost himself in the pleasure, concentrating on the feel and texture of her nipples. His arms behind her, steadying her, as she arched against him, the feeling he was evoking, making her squirm in his lap. Jon needed to be undressed. Slowly he bunched up Sin's dress and lifted it over her head and tossing it to the side, leaving Sin in her panites. Then he gently guided her to lay next to him on the blanket, so he could slide her panties off, making her completely naked to his gaze. Jon then proceeded to stand and finish undressing, finally standing over her, naked, at attention, proudly accepting the look of admiration in her eyes.
All Sin could think of was Jon. He was a God....A sex God! He was everything you may have ever heard about Jon Bon Jovi. At this point Sin was beyond redemption and all her womanly instincts took over. As Jon watched, she slowly pulled one leg up, knee bent, the slowly layed her leg to the side, opening herself to his gaze, then with a wicked smile she crooked her finger at him. If possible his eyes got darker, more lustful. Jon knelt between her legs, stretching out, his head between her legs. She knew what was cumming and couldn't help moving my hips in anticipation. Jon gently spread her legs wide apart. With his thumbs, he spread her pussy lips and alternated between sucking her clit and flicking it with his tongue. A few minutes later, after diligent work on Jon's part, she came. A glorious feeling of ecstasy slamming through her body. Having gone tense, Sin threw back her head, screaming out her orgasm.
Jon layed down next to Sin, lazily playing with her nipples, a leg thrown over her. "So did you like that baby?" he asked, like he didn't already know the answer.
Panting, she replied, "Yes. Are you sure you are not a Roman God come down from Mt Olympus?"
He chuckled and bent his head to suckle at her breast. Meanwhile she reached down to take his cock in her hand, stroking the hard length of him. His hips moving in time with her strokes, he whispered, "Mmmm baby, that feels good. You have magical hands."
Sin needed Jon now. She wanted his body over her, pumping her hard. "Jon, I need you now," she moaned. "I want to feel your cock inside me."
"Sin Honey, I would be happy to oblige," Jon said moving over me and placing the tip of his dick at my entrance, slowly moving in and out, going a little futher each time. He was driving her crazy with need. She was writhing with the need for more. Jon smiled inwardly. Sin was so responsive. Uninhibited. Sin"s movements only added to his pleasure. It was all he could do not to cum right now. Jon concentrated on Sin's pleasure. He varied his pace and strength, continuing to place loving kisses on her lips and face. His reward was her kittenish moans of ecstasy.
Just when Jon thought he couldn't wait any longer, Sin uttered, "Jon....I"
"Hang on baby," Jon said as he started pounding her hard. Jon could feel her squeezing him, her hips pushing back in time with his thrusts. They came together...Jon with his head thrown back, grunting as he spilled his seed...Sindy, screaming out, trembling and exhausted from the intense feeling created by her orgasm.
The two of them laid there for a bit, resting, before getting dressed, gathering up the left over picnic stuff, heading back to the car. Jon and Sindy spent the rest of the day and night at her Aunt's villa, swimming, eating, and making love. After Jon dropped Sindy off the next day, he took off for the states. Sindy watched as he drove off, not sure if she would ever see Jon again.

Love Italian (Stallion) Style part 2

Part 2

The next morning found Sindy mixing batter in the back room of the little bakery. After the fiasco yesterday, she felt so clumsy and dejected. She didn't even want to show her face. At least she seemed to be able to mix batter without ruining it. She sighed. Maybe she wasn't cut out for the fashion industry. She did ok with designs and sewing, but when she got in front of famous people she turned into a Clumsy Clara. It didn't help having Dante' yell at her. Her yellow hair was pulled back in a bun and she had on a thin summery dress with an apron over it. It got hot fast in the summer and the baking ovens didn't help. She heard the little bell over the door tinkle, indicating a customer, just as a small drop of sweat trickled down between her breasts, causing her to shiver. She knew her Aunt Rosa was out front so she didn't go out. 

She realized a little while later the bell didn't ring again wondering why the customer hadn't left, when Aunt Rosa came into the back. 

She took Sindy's hand, patting it, saying, "Come, come. A nice young man wants to see you." She smiled as she led Sindy out into the store. At first she didn't notice anyone as the early morning sun cast a lot of shadows in the store. Then she saw a gentleman in jeans, cowboy hat and boots, and when he turned, he was wearing dark sunglasses. His blonde hair was everywhere, sticking out all over under the hat. He was lean of hip and broad shouldered. The minute he drew closer, she knew who it was. No woman in her right mind could ever mistake that strong chin and those pearly whites.
"Mr. Bon Jovi," she said nervously, as she was so shy, her  hands shaking as she patted some imaginary hair back into place. "What are you doing here?" Not stopping for breath, "I am so sorry again about yesterday. I am such a clutz. Dante' was right to fire me."
Jon, finally getting a word in edgewise, said, "Sindy, don't worry, it's ok. I'm not mad at you, but it will be a cold day in hell before I work with that jerk again." Sindy smiled, which Jon thought, totally lit up her face.
"Thankyou for saying so, Mr Bon Jovi," she replied. "What can I help you with? Could I interest you in a pastry?"
"I would be interested in some coffee and the pleasure of your company. I have a rented car out front and thought we could take a ride. Maybe you could show me around. Madame Rosa has graciously offered to make us a picnic basket. (He winked at Madame Rosa) and said, "I got it for a song."
Sindy looked at Aunt Rosa as she tittered like a young school girl. She said, "Sindy go freshen up while I get some food together for you," as she pushed Sindy out the door. Sindy, seeing she was outnumbered, said excuse me and went upstairs to to change. Upstairs she changed into a clean dress, brushed out her hair, pulling the sides back with some combs. Sindy found Jon still chatting with her Aunt, holding the picnic basket.
Jon loved wearing sunglasses. Nobody could see what he was thinking. Sindy was pretty with her yellow blonde hair curling down her back. Her legs, long, beyond the hem of her dress. His body started racing...his heart, his blood, thinking wickedly, some of it pooling into his loins. He held out his arm to Sindy, gave her one of his half smiles and escorted her to the little red sports car out side.
With the top down and the engine that was kinda loud, they kept the talking to just directions. Sindy's family was not as unfortunate as they seemed. They had a family estate up in the hills about an hour from the city and that is where Sindy told Jon to drive. Out in the hills was a field with some old ruins that would be perfect for their picnic. It overlooked the whole valley. There was a long road that served as a driveway, then wound past the house and ended a short distance from the ruins.

Jon parked the car and walked around to open her door. His mama didn't raise no fool, but a gentleman. She would probably punish him if he didn't display the manners she instilled in him. He helped Sindy out of the car, grabbed the basket, and together they ambled towards the ruins. She carried a blanket that her Aunt had supplied. Jon held her hand and could still feel her shake, like she was cold. He got that a lot from females that were all excited to meet him and couldn't contain themselves. He smiled. On one hand he loved it. On the other it could just get in the way, cause the women could never relax and have a good time.

Love Italian (Stallion) Style part 1

Part 1


Jon, just a little to your left (click)...good. Now if you can lower your chin just a little bit," the photographer cajoled. Jon complied. Dante' , the photographer continued to direct and compliment. Jon was doing a photo shoot for Vogue magazine for their Italian issue. Jon was laying on a couch with just leather pants on and boots. Cigarette smoking swirling sensuously upward toward the ceiling. The photographer told him to look a little bit more smoldering...think sexy. It was all he could do not to roll his eyes. God, he was bored. No motivation. Then someone crossed his line of vision. The look that passed across Jon's face was like a hungry predator crossed with bad desperado.

"Jon, baby! That's it! Hold it! (click) Beautiful. Thankyou Jon. You can take a break for a second, while we get the next outfit ready."

Jon heaved a sigh of relief, peeled his bare back off the sticky leather couch and stretched. He prowled the studio, found a bottle of water, and sat down in a chair designated for him. He loved being famous, though, as the minons swarmed around him catering to his every need. Loved feeling all the women's warm looks gazing at his half naked body. Feeling the need to relieve himself he went in search of a commode. On his way out a young woman bumped into him with an arm full of clothes.

"Hey there...easy," Jon said, placing a steadying hand on her elbow. She was the one he saw earlier. The young woman looked up to she who she had bumped into, and upon recognition, she blushed prettily and said, "Oh, Mr Bon Jovi. I am ssoo sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. You're not hurt are you? Dante' would fire me if he found out I had hurt you." Her eyes darting over him to make sure she didn't leave a mark.

"No Sweetheart. You didn't hurt me," Jon said, lazily, running a finger down her cheek. "You're a pretty thing. What's your name?"

Conceited off, she thought, but warranted, as Jon Bon Jovi was the handsomest man she had ever seen. She counted herself lucky to have landed this job today.

"It's Sindy, sir," she replied, staring at his feet, unable to miss the telltale bulge in his pants, thinking they didn't have to stuff his.

"Well, Sindy, it's nice to meet you. And you can call me Jon," he said, smiling down at her, using his palm under her chin to lift her eyes to his, his mind slowly working on how to get ahold of her, gazing at the swell of her breasts peeking from the v neck of her dress.

"SINDYEEEE!!" someone called out.

"Oh, gosh. I gotta go. It was very nice to meet you Jon," she gushed, all flustered and took off.

Jon watched after her, before Dante' the photographer came up and said, "We are ready for you now." Jon followed him back to the main part of the studio. Dante' called out to wardrobe for the white fur coat and the black cowboy hat. Sindy was the one to bring the items and in her nervousness she bumped Jon's arm as he took a drink of water and a small amount dribbled down his chin and chest.

Sindy was temporarily mesmerized, watching the droplets meander down his strong chin dripping onto his chiseled chest. She was brought out of her revery by Dante' screaming at her, "You stuuuuppeeedd girl! Clumsy! You are fired! Go!"

Jon looked at the girl, hands at her mouth, tears forming. "Dante'," Jon said, "that's not necessary. No harm done." But the photographer was adamant. Jon watched as the poor girl walked out looking utterly devastated. Jon called over his assistant, "Tandy, follow her. Find out where she goes." And his assistant took off.

Jon's anger at Dante' 's callousness, now reflected in his mood, unbeknownst to Dante', who didn't care how Jon got the look only that he kept it. Jon was upset, but figured the girl would be better off someplace with him.

Later that night, Tandy knocked on Jon's hotel room door.

"Come in," he called out and Tandy let herself in. "What did you find out?' he asked.

"Turns out she lives with an old couple who runs a bakery. She lives in the apartment upstairs. I also went back to the studio and spoke with the wardrobe lady. Apparently she is a college student from the U.S. She is apprenticing sort of, working in her field of study for a semester. Dante' is just an ass and goes through assistants like water. From what I can gather the girl is better off without him," Tandy replied, sitting down on the couch, having gleaned a bottle of water from the mini fridge. She watched Jon pace, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.

"Do you know how long she has left on this semester thing? Or when she goes back to the states?" he asked.

"I don't, but the old people said she sometimes helps out in the store in the mornings," Tandy said off offhandedly.

Jon stopped and looked at Tandy and said with a smile, "I guess I will have to see what the bakery might offer for breakfast in the morning." Tandy thought this might be serious as Jon rarely got up before noon.